Business' that can quickly adapt can thrive in hard economic times!
In the current economic climate, managers and business consultants can't bury their heads; they need to remain positive, resilient and take the initiative. So take a clear and dispassionate look at your business and revise your business strategy to get more bang for your buck!@40billion tweeted 24 Dec 14: SAY OF THE DAY: Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. - Bobby Knight
In the struggle to survive, business' need to adapt, clarify it's aims, rally support for change and manage expectations. Project oriented marketing involves an emphasis on trackable, measurable results (known as "response" in the industry) regardless of marketing channel.
@davemcclure tweeted 1 Jul 13: startups focus too much on building product, w/ limited attention to customer interaction, usability, & marketing. this is also a big #FAIL
Businesses can use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to quantify objectives to reflect strategic performance. The KPIs differ depending on the nature of each business or organisation and your strategy. KPI's enable my clients to measure progress towards their goals, such as market penetration and awareness.
@Inc tweeted 05 Apr 15: How to shift your mindset & embrace change
A KPI is a key part of a measurable objective, which is made up of a direction, KPI, benchmark, target and time frame. For example: "Increase sales enquiries by X% by EOY 2016". In this case, 'Average number of responses' is the KPI.
KPIs should not be confused with a Critical Success Factor. For the example above, a critical success factor would be something that needs to be in place to achieve that objective; for example, a pay-per-click ad campaign.
@Bizitalk tweeted 05 Jan 15: If you are spending lots of money on an advertising campaign, then tracking advertising performance is essential. - Steve Elson
If you are spending lots of money on an advertising campaign, then tracking advertising performance is essential. I analyse the performance of each element of the marketing process; from research and approach through to negotiated close and follow-up. Enabling me to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver a better return on investment.